冲着荣仓奈奈和平冈佑太看的,平岗这把年纪演高中生,违和呀……平岗和松本润摆在一起,还用选吗?必须不选松本润呀,长得跟柏原崇似的,而且你不是演兄妹吗?不是演恋人吗?不是禁忌的爱吗?那你怎么好意思没有荣仓妹子高呢……我一口血差点没喷出来. 专挑漫画里没用的剧情拍,什么编剧呀……只有片尾One of my fav movie soundtracks of all time! The film is loosely plotted but it is less about the plot and more about the wasted and confused youth, the innocent and blissed 50s, and the documentation of car culture, youth culture and rock-n-roll before the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK and all the social, cultural movements. I can see some coming-of-age genre conventions which are used in many later films, The Breakfast Club and the other John Hughes's films. P.S. Steve almost threatens his girlfriend to have sex with him even he wants a break-up. Asshole..